Fixed error for some PCs Error:Licenced Invalid. System clock has been tampered
Version 3.83
Crytical browser mode update
Version 3.82
1. Change: Google image recaptcha solving for socked mode improved
I recommend to use 2captcha service to solve google image recaptcha
Version 3.81
1. Improved: Options window size fixed
Version 3.80
1. Improved: Google recaptcha solving
2. Improved: ProxyHarvester
3. Added: New menu - unselect all submitted on main MS screen
Version 3.79
1. Added: new cheap captcha solving service 0.99 USD per 1000 captchas only
Version 3.78
1. Fixed: new google captcha solving
Version 3.77
1. Fixed: minor submitting issues and captcha solving
Version 3.76
1. Fixed: randomize anchor text in campaign wizard
Version 3.75
1. Fixed: deathbycaptcha issue
Version 3.74
1. Added: deathbycaptcha is able to solve new google recaptcha with images and text questions
2. Fixed: captchatronix integration
Version 3.73
1. Fixed: some minor issues fixed
Version 3.72
1. Fixed: some minor issues fixed
Version 3.71
1.Fixed: links and buttons on options screen
Version 3.70
1.Added: two new captcha options
1. 2Captcha - to solve new google recaptcha with images and text questions. 2Captcha service only is able to solve such captchas
You will see join to 2captcha link on options screen
you need to register on 2Captcha site. Link to join is on Options Screen of Magic Submitter and set it API key in Magic Submitter submittter
2. Captcha Tronix captcha service with solves 1900+ captchas and text google recaptcha (not with images and text questions as 2CVaptcha does).
It price is $15.97 per month it will help you to solve 40-50% of captcha paying just $15.97 per month.
So MS first will send captcha image to Captcha Tronix. It will try to solve it and if not solved it will send to other captcha solving service you selected like deathbycaptcha or de-captcher
Version 3.69
1.Changed: download pre-created accounts to new service
2.Added: new mail service
Version 3.68
1.Changed: more improved function of getting recaptcha image
Version 3.67
1.Changed: fucntion of getting recaptcha image improved
Version 3.66
1.Changed: Create account option from to
Version 3.65
1.Fixed: download pre-created acocunts- it downloads accounts now
Version 3.64
1.Improved: less of fields need to be filled out in Campaign wizard. Some fields renamed to give them more clear names
Version 3.63
1.Added: added new indexing service called Instantlinkindexer.
It shows phenomenal indexing rate - more than 80% links indexed in 5 minutes! You may join it here
2.Fixed: keywords harvester
Version 3.62
1.Fixed: captcha settings
Version 3.61
1.Added: Contextual Links support added in Campaign Wizard. You may use contextual links in campaign wizard same way as when you feel item to submit manually
please watch this video (starting from 24 minutes 30 seconds)
1.Fixed: Keywords harvester as google require to use google adwords account now
Version 3.59
1.Fixed: Page Rank Checker
2.Added: Links to new campaign and scheduler video tutorieals
Version 3.58
1.Fixed: Link Manger Issue
Version 3.57
1.Added: Campaign filter in link manager
2.Fixed: scheduler stucks some time on account creation tasks - it is very important update
Version 3.56
1. Fixed: MS did not display random links list selected in item to submit
Version 3.55
1. Very important update I made the same for emails as I did for in previous update
Version 3.54
1. Very important update as do not apply rules for newly created accounts, emails are not moved from Junk to Inbox automatically and many accounts can be not confirmed.
I fixed this issue the way that MS logins and moves all emails from Junk to Inbox folder before every check email run.
Version 3.53
1. Fixed: MS shows profile tutorial video always when you click open profile button
Version 3.52
1. Fixed: MS forgot password sometime
2. Integration with MAR 2.01
Version 3.51
1. Security Update. Password is required to register MS now. Please follow instruction on registration screen to get your password.
It is recommended to change password everytime when you fire your team member or virtual assistants to block them from usingMS
Please update ASAP as previous version will stop to work in one week
2. Integartion with new Magic Article Rewriter 2.0. In case you own Magic Article Rewriter license. Please download, install and register Magic Article Rewriter 2.0 before install Magic Submitter 3.48
1. Fixed: do not solve captchas sometime
Version 3.45
1. Added: captcha solving service
2 Added: Ability to upload pre-made pdf file . To do that in PDF Body field type the folliwing text #file#C:\myfolder\Mypdf.pdf. Where C:\myfolder\Mypdf.pdf is path to your pdf file
3. Fixed: [randimg] as released new search logic
Version 3.44
1. Fixed: check links did not finish some time
Version 3.43
1. Added: 15 new campaign templates - It names start with 2013 Campaign #
Version 3.42
1. Change: Remove dead link timeout increased - to have better checking accuracy
2. Added: MS will show message when you draw your campaign and such link type not allowed . Like if you link Profile Links and RSS. MS will show error message as Profile Links do not produce any RSS FEED
Version 3.41
1.Fixed: spread value was not visible. check also version 3.40 changes
Version 3.40
1.Added: Remove dead links function for campaign. Before start second/third/etc layer links building MS will check if parent layer links are live and will remove all died links.
Check This video about how Remove dead links function for campaign works and why it so important to use it
Version 3.39
1. wrong license status:invalid length for Base-64 char issue fixed
Version 3.38
1.Setting more than 100 thread was not saving
Version 3.37
1.Max Threads Count changed to 100 - tested on PC with Core I7 CPU 4Gb Memory, works very well and stable, got speed 400 sites/registered per minute for PLIGG sites
2.Keywords harvester fixed
Version 3.36
1.Performance and stability improved
Version 3.35
1.Fixed: Link Manager icon in right top MS corner and contextual links preview
Version 3.34
1.Fixed: Itemt to Submit Preview issue
Version 3.33
1.Changed: Random Links List - you may create a few random links lists per project and attach one particular list to particular Item to Submit. All your old random links settings are converted to new format automatically
2. "Unselect All with no categories set" option added to undselect menu
3. Database or Magic Submitter Update confirmation Messages Automatically closed after 2 min of delay
4. "Do not check if internet connection is working" function added on options screen Expert Settings Tab
Version 3.32
1.Added: Reset Campaign button on campaign designer screen. If you see that something bad happened during campaign run like low success rate, or you like to re-run all failed account creation and submitting of campaign click that button and MS will do that
2.Added: MS automatically checks if there are enought credits on your captcha solving account and if there are less than 100 will pause campaign. You may disable that function on Options screen captcha tab
3.Added: MS automatically checks if there is active internet conenction on your PC before run scheduled task. If MS is not able to connect to internet it will pause scheduler for 5 minutes then retry.
4.Added: Ability to create new service type when you use Copy Platform function on Manage Platform screen
5.Changed: Proxy harvester will get more proxies now
6.Changed: Export Task to Excel function improved you may select a few task to export now
7 Fixed: Proxy Checker on Options screen
Version 3.31
1.Change: PDF Documents sharing module - instead of providing pre-created pdf file you need to paste plain text articlle (spin format supported) with html formated links like for Blogs Module and MS will create pdf file on fly and submit it.
Warning if you have used PDF module for some of your campaign in progress you need to edit each PDF item to submit and paste spun artucle with links instead of path to pdf file
2. Fixed: some minor bugs
Version 3.30
1.Change: scheduler performance improved
2.Added: seelct/Unselect buttons added on main screen and Edit Item to submit screen to select sites (by PR,Platforms etc)
Version 3.29
1.Added: support of indexing service.
2.Fixed: minor bugs
Version 3.28
1.Fixed: minor bugs
Version 3.27
1.Internet Exploreк webbrowser replaced by Firefox -it made MS more stable
(please note that Firefox browser windows will be not visible. I|if you like to see them for testing purpose enable it on Options->Expert Settings. Do not forget to disable it when real campaigns are running)
2. Many internal performance improvements(harvester,scaner,designer,indexer,scheduler)
Version 3.19
1. Added: Inegration with Links Indexing service
2. Fixed: PR Checking it shows 0 and N/A ranks also
3. Added: "Do not retry to create account/submit when it failed first time" in Options/Expert Settings - it saves captchas but success rate can be lower
Check This video about how Indexing works and why it so important to use it
Version 3.18
1. Added: Company Name Field in the profile is used to create blogs title now
2. Added: Clear categories button on Add item To Submit screen - it allows you to clear categories in case you set wrong one
3. Change: categories selection for niche improved
Version 3.17
1. Fixed: captcha solving problem
Version 3.16
1. Fixed: categories was not selected in campaign wizard
if you update from 3.9 version please read WARNING I wrote for 3.10 release
Version 3.14
1. Fixed issue with campaign wizard
Version 3.12
1. Hotmail email account replaced by as is closed by Microsoft - all old hotmail account will work still
2. Improved memory utilization. MS uses much 2 times less memory now
3. Categories Selection performance improved
4.100 Max threads for x64bit system removed as it cause unstability of Magic Submitter and memory leaks
WARNING: First load of 3.12 version will take longer as usual and you need to restart MS when it loaded.
Version 3.11
1.Fixed some memory issues
2.Restart in low memory option improved
if you update from 3.9 version please read WARNING I wrote for 3.10 release
Version 3.10 - ChristmasUpdate
WARNING: Before you update please follow this instruction
as there are issues on some PC configuration noticed
Start Magic Submitter 3.9
Goto System Tab click backup button
Save Backup file to your Desktop
Install new Magic Submitter 3.10
In case if it will opened with empty database please go to System Tab click Restore button and choose file you saved on your desktop
If you still will have any problems please downgrade to previous version click this link and send me email to
Changed: Improved harvester you may select a few platforms now. It allows to harvest sitest for many platforms together
Changed: Random spun login generator in profile- it generates logins that much better
Changed: Iproved work on Windows 64bit. MS utilizes whole the power of 64bit systems that allow to use much more memory per application.
As result MS allows to use upto 100 threads instead of 25 for socket mode. It may dramatically impove the speed of account creating and submitting
Added: New MS design. You may change how MS looks using Style button on right top MS window corner.
Changed: MS is based on Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 now.
It allow to utilize betterpower of multy code systems.
MS will ask you to download framework during installation if you do not have it installed. here is additionanally link for it Download .Net Framework 4.0
Version 3.09
Added: New Platform Support
Check This video
Version 3.08
Added: Check Contextual keywords button on Edit Contextual links window. Check to make sure all your contextual keywords appear in the article by using the check contextual keywords button
Added:Detach submit items. In the case you are using multiple nodes, for example: bookmarking service 1 and bookmarking service 2 and both of them have same submit item attached, it is now possible to put different information in each one. This is done by right clicking the node and selecting detach.
Fixed: Email Checking tasks execution . If it failed MS will postpone it for 20 min then try again
Fixed: [genanchor] variable worked not correcly sometime in campaign mode
Version 3.07
Fixed: The bug causing MS crash
Version 3.06
Fixed: The bug causing MS crash
Version 3.05
Added: Contextual links editor
Fixed: Minor bugs
Improved: restart after crash
Version 3.04
Added: Citation support. YOu will see new Citation service type there will be 55 sites submit to. Will add more soon
Version 3.03
Added: Integration with Ultra Spinnable Articles
Added: New Reports
Here is video about new features
Version 3.02
Fixed: submit item status was cleaned sometime in browser mode
Version 3.01
Added: progress bar for Campaign Wizard as MS was freezing on low performing PCs
Version 3.0
Added: New very simple Campaign Wizard
Added: Very simple way to set categiories
Added: New Email Checker sheduled task type
Fixed: A few reported bugs
Here is video about new features
Version 2.81
Change: First, Last Name generator improved to generate more unique names
Version 2.80
Minor Bugs fixed and improvements made
Version 2.79
Fixed: [randimg] issue with spun keywords
Version 2.78
Fixed: Some minor issues
Version 2.77
General Improvements
1. Profile name field
2. Submit Item Text Export/Import
3. Ability to open campaign from scheduled task list
4. Ability to open submit item from scheduled task form
5. Recovery MS after crash
6. Link shortening, change to spin syntax
7. Many performance improvements
Panda changes
1. Random images
2. Random Videos
3. Generic Anchor
4. Random Links
5. Randomize anchor
6. Contextual links in campaign
7. Content Editor
Here is video about new features
Version 2.76
Added: Web 2.0 Profiles service type
Web 2.0 Profile– are high PR sites where we can create public profile with link and anchor text. You may create just one profile page on one particular web 2.0 profile site.
For best results use the keyword you want the page they are pointing at rank for
Link format for Campaign #anchor#
Maximum 100 words
For best results keep it short, spin and start with keyword
Do not place any links MS will automatically add appropriate link format if applicable
URL of the page you want to place in your public profile
Link format for Campaign #link#
The image will be displayed on your public profile page
Accepted image formats .jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.png
Keep image size less than 50kb
Keep image dimension less than 200x200 pixels
You may spin profile image like {C:\Images\img1.jpg|C:\Images\img2.jpg|C:\Images\img2.jpg|C:\Images\img3.jpg} to have different images on your public profiles
Version 2.75
Fixed: possible crash issue
Version 2.74
Added: New Article Platforms support [ARTICLE BEACH], [YAD], [ARTICLE CASTLE]
Change: Minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 2.73
Added: Wordpress blogs commenting module
Fixed: scheduler was not finished tasks in some cases
Version 2.67
Version 2.72
1. Fixed: Keyword harvester
2. Scheduled task status will show on mouse hover campaign name, project name, task type, task service type
Version 2.71
Change: Profile login and site name now are automatiacally spun when you create profile. It is to to leave less footprints - it will be like this {carkw{0|1|2|3|4|4|5|6|7|8|9}e{0|1|2|3|4|4|5|6|7|8|9}be|mar{0|1|2|3|4|4|5|6|7|8|9}{0|1|2|3|4|4|5|6|7|8|9}jb{0|1|2|3|4|4|5|6|7|8|9}za|adaiq{0|1|2|3|4|4|5|6|7|8|9}ifna|jarcwu{0|1|2|3|4|4|5|6|7|8|9}{0|1|2|3|4|4|5|6|7|8|9}vi|greexe{0|1|2|3|4|4|5|6|7|8|9}{0|1|2|3|4|4|5|6|7|8|9}au|joe{0|1|2|3|4|4|5|6|7|8|9}{0|1|2|3|4|4|5|6|7|8|9}t{0|1|2|3|4|4|5|6|7|8|9}{0|1|2|3|4|4|5|6|7|8|9}pi}
It will make sure that each account will be created with own unique login or user name
Fixed: Minor bugs fixed
Version 2.70
Added: Platform Functionality
Here is video about new features
Change: Platform parent sites are not shown on sites list. you will see them on Designer Tab only
Change: You are able to edit commands for any child service and your changes will be applied to parent service
Change: Expression Engine service type renamed to Profile Links
Version 2.69 - it is critical update
Change: License server issue solved
Version 2.68 -
Added: Help button on add/edit submit item screen. Click it and you will see detailed description for each submit item and it fields
Change: Submit item contextualy links changed.You may add a few urls and keywords separated by pipe symbols like dog training|my dogtraining|the best dog training
Change: Create all accounts for service types choosen creates accounts for sites without green checkmarsk only.
Version 2.67
Fixed: Categories saving improved - some time categories was cleared
Version 2.66
Fixed: MS is not starting at all when first run on new PC
Version 2.64
Version 2.65
Change: Alternative/backup license server support added
Version 2.64
Fixed: Critical scheduler bug fixed. Some time it stack on task execution
Version 2.63
Change: Scheduler performance improvements
Version 2.62
Change: Critical update because of hotmail changes
Version 2.61
Added: Contextual links in submit item
Changed: SiteName param added to export/import login data
Expert settings on options screen. You may set maximum scheduled task
complete timeout. It is 5 min now instead of 20 min. 20 min is for
video tasks only
Version 2.60
Added:Wiki sites support. After
updating to 2.60 and updating database you will find new service type
wIKI.There two fields in wiki submit item title and body, links should
be in body in HTML format <a
Version 2.58
Change: Captcha Sniper integration impoved it works in manual captcha mode
Magic Submitter will send captcha to Captcha Sniper first then if
Captcha Sniper not able to solve captcha will pass it to deathbycaptcha
or other service you are using.
Captcha Sniper will solve Article MS, Wordpress Blogs, SMF, and standart Pligg captchas for you
Version 2.57
Change:post activation commands improvement
Added: delay for automaic read emails option on options screen Email tab
checkbox "Submit each submit item to one service" for Create Scheduled
Tasks for Submit Iterms choosen. So you may submit onet submit item to
one service now
Added: Captcha Sniper
integration on Options screen Captcha tab.Captcha Sniper solves some
popular captcha types faster and without having to pay per captcha.
Read more on Captcha Sniper site
Magic Submitter will send captcha to Captcha Sniper first then if
Captcha Sniper not able to solve captcha will pass it to deathbycaptcha
or other service you are using.
Captcha Sniper will solve Article MS, Wordpress Blogs, SMF, and standart Pligg captchas for you
Here is video about new features
Version 2.56
Fixed: cheduler do not show tasks sometime
check 2.55 changes list and video
Version 2.55
Changed: trial customers can download 5 pre-created hotmail accounts
Changed: Improved overal scheduler performance
Changed: export/improt profiles function now it exports/imports account status checkmarks and login data
Added: Export/Import Logon data functions
Here is video about new features and how to use MS to submit to your own wordpress blogs network and other services networks
Version 2.54
Changed: deathbycaptcha API - critical update as deathbycaptcha server address changed
Magic Article Rewritter Integration.If you have Magic Article Rewriter
license you will see small button (...) near each submit item field
if MAR is installed not into default folder choose folder where it is installed in MS options screen
Added: pre-acreated campaign templates
Changed: minor internal improvements
Changed: updated ping services list
Version 2.53
Added: Download pre-created HOTMAIL acocunts option. Please watch the video
Version 2.52
Added: Dramatically changed database
update process. MS will automatically update database during MS startup
without your your attention needed and also MS will check for new
database update automatically once per day and do update in silent mode
if needed
Added: Automatic Backup feature.
MS will automatically make backup before each update and additionaly
one backup per day. You will find Backup Folder button on system tab
which will show you all backups made
Added:Set Active Status function on Main screen pop-up menu
Version 2.51
Change: Copy Scheduled Tasks To All Profile Within Project works much faster and you can select to copy as many task as you wish
Change: Default time for newly created tasks is set to 0:01 am
Change: huge stability and performance improvement
Change: Hotmail account creating changed to socket mode ( db v 87)
Added: Unselect chosen services function on Main screen
Added: Ability on options screen to disable auto pinger
Added: MS shows anchor and url from campaign settings on Submit Item Preview window
Version 2.50
Change: stability improved
Version 2.49
Fixed: bug in Save Campaign As functions
Version 2.48
Added: Save Campaign As button on Edit Campaign Screen
Fixed: MS crash on startup sometime
Fixed: minor bugs are fixed
Version 2.47
Fixed: Scheduler second level start submitting issue
Version 2.46
Added: Create Scheduled Tasks for submit items choosen
Fixed: date time format in scheduler
Changes: Minor internal changes and fixes
Version 2.45
Added: private proxy support
Changed: deathbycaptcha new API integrated
Fixed: MS freezes sometime on low performing PCs with huge quantity of tasks
Fixed: internal sheduler issue
Version 2.44
Changed: MS remembers servicetypes choosen on Create All Accounts window
Changed: MS remembers servicetypes choosen on Submit Items for ServiceTypes choosen window
Version 2.43
Changed: Create Submit Items for ServiceTypes choosen improved
Changed: minor designer improvements
Version 2.42
Fixed: Registration Issue Fixed
Version 2.41
Added: Page Rank Column for services
Added: Check Page Rank button on utilities tab
Added: Check Page Rank option on popup menu on Main MS window
Added: Socket Column for services on Campaign designer and scheduler windows
Version 2.40
Added: Reporting ability to MS - check Reporting Tab. There is one report.I will add more soon.If you have idea about reports prepare report template /example in excel and send to me
Clear services that are in error state button on Scheduler Tasks
screen. It will allow you to try to recreate/resubmit to services that
are in error state
Added: Submited to N Site column in Manage Submit Items window
Added: MS automatically checks if link is live before add it to link mamanger
Fixed: Submit Items list selects default project all the time
Version 2.35
Fixed: MS registration issue when some antiviruses are enabled
Version 2.34
Fixed: some had registration issues
Added: Create
Submit Items for ServiceTypes choosen on submit items list window. It
allows you to create submit items for all service types on one screen
Added: Copy
selected Submit Item to other service types on submit items list
window.It allows you to create submit items for all service types based
on existing submit item
Version 2.33
Added: new button to create all accounts in service types chosen
Version 2.32
Added: new blog sites
Changed: designer screen - Operations toolbox is now part of designer window
Changed: statistic for scheduled task running at the bottom of main window
Version 2.31
Fixed: Categories does not exist message
appear on MS start. Thouse of you who see that issue please after
install update Right mouse click on MS shortcut and choose Run as
Administrator it will allow you to see submit progress data for socket
Version 2.30
Changed: all bookmarking sites work in socket mode now
Added: Pligg socket based service type
Added: 800+ PLIGG bookmarking sites
Added: Simple Machine Forum socket based script
Added: 300+ Simple Machine Forum sites
Added: Statistic for socket submittion in manual mode: how many sites left, speed of submition, time elapsed
Changed: login generator to create more unique login name
Changed: added functions to extent ELGG blogs list
Version 2.27
Fixed: creating accounts for some sites stop to work in 2.25 version
Version 2.26
Changed: Expression Enfine forum sites converted to socket mode. IMPORTANT:
Please after update select [EXPRESSION ENGINE] service name , then go
to designer tab click Edit button then click Save Button
Added: shortcut buttons for link manager and pinger on the top of Main window
Version 2.25
Changed: Video sites converted to socket mode
Version 2.24
Added: Ability to export status tables in campaign
Added: Ability to export status table in scheduled task status
Added: Ability to see links for all profiles in link manager
Added: Statistic data when you right mouse click on main window grid.
Changed: Article directories converted to socket mode
Version 2.23
Fixed: Profiles randomization for bookmarking and RSS sites
Version 2.22
Change: Changed blog module to socket mode.Now 21 blog sites work in socket mode
Version 2.21
Fixed: issue with bypassbycaptcha using
Version 2.20
Dear valued customer,
I have just updated Magic Submitter to version 2.20
The most important change there is that
I have added socket submitting support to MS.
The socket submitting method works absolutely
without Internet Explorer directly communicating with target site.
1. That’s means that there will be much better submit success rate
for sites I have transferred already to socket mode,
2. No potential infection from web sites at all,
3. Account creating and submit speed increased up to 10 times
So far I have managed to transfer
30 bookmarking sites
mostly all RSS
all Wordpress Blogs
ELGG Blogs
Next weeks I will transfer rest of sites to socket mode
New MS should ask you to update database to version 57, please do it.
After updating restart MS and you will see that I have added to main
services list on main MS window that there are small icons shown for
sites that are transferred to socket mode.
IMPORTANT If for some child sites in WP or ELGG service type
you will not see the icons i have mentioned. Please go to designer tab
select [ELGG] or
WORDPRESS BLOGS,WORDPRESS BLOGS V2 WORDPRESS BLOGS V3 parent services click edit button and hit save
Added: autopinger - MS ping all new links on the background - yopu not need manually ping links at all
Added: auto emails confirmation - MS automatically confirms new created accounts with 20 min od delay
Added: MS automatically deletes confirmed emails also there is ability to disable it on options screen
Clear Dependencies between tasks and campaign on campaign screen -you
can use this option if you like run the same campaign a few times or
just resubmit submitted content again. or if you deleted scheduled
tasks related to campaign but like to see that tasks again
Added: link pinged mark in link manager
Changed: rearanged options form it has 4 tabs now - General Settings,Captcha,Proxy, Email
Added: Attach existing submit item to node
Added: Quick swith between profiles on the bottom of Main window
Added: Profile filter on link Manager
Added: popup menu to select many tasks on scheduled task list window
Added: popup menu to select many services on scheduled task window
Changed:Scheduler works without Internet Explorer now. Success rate and spped should be better now.
Added: ability to choose random quantity of services on mine window and on campaign screen.
Added: Pause scheduler, reset scheduler and run scheduled task button on scheduler screen.
Version 1.44
Added: Reset Internet Explorer settings at MS starup
Added: Auto Restart MS on crash
Changed: Scheduler stability and perfomance improvements
Change:improved popup windows and dialogs handling
Fixed: some possible crashes
Version 1.43
Change:Kill Internet Explorer windows checkbox
on Options screen. Kill MS not kills now Internet Explorer windows by
default. But is good to have that function enabled if you run sheduled
Fixed: Submit Status issue
Fixed: Screenshot capturing issue
Fixed: some possible crashes
Version 1.42
Fixed: captcha window was not opening
Version 1.41
Change: scheduler performance and stability improved
Change: general submitting speed improved
Change: optimized CPU utilization
Change: Allowed to use 16 browser windows max. Use this option if you have high performing PC like
Change:improved popup windows and dialogs handling
Add: Auto-restart MS when low memory detected- there is option to enable it on Options screen
Version 1.40
Fixed: Submit window is some time empty when you submit bookmarks or RSS
Change: error reporting improvements
Version 1.39
Add: links to Rss function on link manager form
Add: combine Rss function on link manager form
Add: Select of country when use fill random profile function
Add: Autocreating hotmail,gmail,aol accounts after creating new profile
Add: Rich error reporting MS shows real error mesages (which are show on site page) in most cases instead of technical info
Fixed: Video files are not automatically choosen
MS 1.38 will ask to update database to v 34
Version 1.38
Fixed: Non UI Error message sometime apper
Fixed: Video files are not automatically choosen
Version 1.37
Add: Ability to select random profiles during submitting
Add: Ability to submit many bookmarks and RSS using one submit item
Add:MS will restart after crash and continue submitting or account creating
Add: Pupulate selected categories to all profiles within selected project
Change: Extended PING services list
Add: Fast domain indexing feature on pinger window
Add: new very fast captcha solving service
Add: support of Ultra Spinnable Articles
Add: Import /export profiles - two buttons on Select Profile window
Change: Link Manager, Submit Items and Scheduler windows are not modal now.
Add: Account created checkmarks on scheduled task screen
Version 1.36
Change: performance and CPU utilization improvements
Fixed: MS sometime not shows accout creating checkmarks
Change: changed update routines due to my hoting changes.
Version 1.35
Fixed:update issue in previous version
Version 1.34
Added: support of many new bookmarking sites. Please update Magic Submitter then it will ask to update database
Version 1.33
Fixed: red cross on main window when you run MS more then 24h in scheduler mode
Change: some code refactoring to improve stability
Change: Added ability to set many activation emails per service like|
Version 1.32
Fixed: when you open scheduler status window all sites disappear on main window
Version 1.31
Added: check scheculed task progress button on scheduler screen
Change: deathbycaptcha API updated to latest version
Change: some code and speed imporovements
Change: improved error reporting
Version 1.30
Added: Set Categories, Load Categories and Save Categories buttons on Scheduled task form
Added: Repeat task n times option on Scheduled task form - so you can set task with Item
that has all spun fileds and let MS to submit it a few times to the same service.
when you use "Copy Selected task to all profiles within project"
function MS also copies categories settings to each of new scheduled
tasks. As all item field are spun MS will submit diferent item to
each of the service every time. It is very good to use to submit to
bookmarking services.
Fixed: error state screenshot is just blackbox when use MS in scheduler mode.
Version 1.29
Added: Profile name field into scheduled tasks list
Added: copy/paste scheduled task
Added: ability to create the same scheduled task for all profiles within project
Added: reset scheduler button to restart shetuler if it halt
Added: select categories of sheduled task window
Added: bulk add services
Added: copy/paste submit items
Fixed: browser window is shown some time during scheduled run
Fixed: error messagebox automatic closing
Fixed: scheduler halt sometime
Fixed: manual captcha solving form not shown if large font size set in Windows
Fixed: not all buttons visible on designer for if large font size set in Windows
Fixed: Database update issue- the database was not updating at all for new customers
Changed: made faster load of services list if you have huge ammoun of sites. now everything is loqaded very fast
Version 1.26- Please update as updateis CRITICAL
Added: Description field for bookmarking sites.
Fixed: some internal errors
Version 1.25- Please update as updateis CRITICAL
Added: Projects entity. You are able to
organize your profile and submit items for different niches, customers
etc. Each profile and submit item belong to particular Project
Changed: Automatic changing of internet explorer setting that will help to improve video submittion success rate
Version 1.24- Please update as updateis CRITICAL
Changed: errors handling and reporting
Changed: Added ability to see screenshot of error state .Enter to Error Message field and click the button
Version 1.23- Critical update
Fixed: unlock component message issue when you run Read Emails function - that problem was on some PCs
Changed: MS should autopmatically clear cookies before each submit or register run. Should improve submit success rate
Changed: Manual Captcha entering form behaviour it allows swithch between tabs now in automatic captcha solving mode
Changed: Errors reporting
Version 1.22
Added: Add manual links function to link manager
Changed: Save link function for old articles
Removed: Support of service as it works not as it expected. Please choose another captcha solving service
Removed: Support of Internet Explorer 7 as it is unstable. Please update to Internet Explorer 8
Added: Update status report shows what services was changed or added
Changed: behaviour of manual captcha vindow it is more convinient now
Version 1.21
Added: MS automatically check confirmation emails and extract passwords from that emails
MS automatically performs post activation action needed. Like clicks on
confirmation links and finish registration to service performing
actions needed.
Changed: Link Manager added filters by service type and profile or submit item links
Changed: Link Manager added multyselect of links by mouse
Added: Random posts interlinking -you can use this link format in your blogs posts <a href="[randlink]">anchor text</a> and MS will replace it to one random link specified in Ramdom Links List
Added: Random Links List screen on Utilities Tab. Moreover you can send links to Random Links List directly from Link Manager
Added: Link Wheel creating oprions using this link format in your blogs posts <a href="[prevlink]">anchor text</a>
Changed: Submittion process performance and acuracy for slow connection
Changed: Magic Submitter Installer
Added: 15 new blogs
Added: automatic deleting of not working services
Version 1.20
Please delete "C:\Program Files\Alexandr Krulik\Magic
Submitter\" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Alexandr Krulik\Magic
Submitter\" folder before you instyall new version
Fixed :The issue in designer and custom code execution. It is obligatory update please update.
Version 1.19
Fixed : Issue with adding profile and submit item
Version 1.18
Added: Automatic register and submit process error
reporting. It will help me to see with what services actually you have
Version 1.17
Change: Login and Site name in profile are spinnable now so
you can set as many logins as you wish as spun text like
Change: Links in linkmanager are clickable
Change: video submitting routines
Change: using user defined commands (Run user defined command) for mail services type you can login to your mailbox.
Added: empty meailbox function on utilities tab to delete all messages from your mailbox.
Added : added new command to spin syntax - %%%
For Example you have a Text like:
This is sentence 1. This is sentence 2. This is sentence 3. This is
sentence 4. This is sentence 5. This is sentence 6. This is sentence 7.
and you spun it like this:
This is sentence 1. This is sentence 2. {This is sentence 3.|%%%}This is sentence 4. This is sentence 5. {This is sentence 6.|%%%}This is sentence 7.
%%% - tags will be replaced by Enter symbol
This would produce variations like:
This is sentence 1. This is sentence 2.
This is sentence 4. This is sentence 5. This is sentence 6. This is sentence 7.
This is sentence 1. This is sentence 2. This is sentence 3. This is sentence 4. This is sentence 5.
This is sentence 7.
This is sentence 1. This is sentence 2.
This is sentence 4. This is sentence 5.
This is sentence 7.
and so on.
Version 1.16
Added: Support of two alternative captcha solving services - and
Version 1.15
Changed: Larger body field - removed limitation of 32000 symbols
Fixed: Automatic captcha solving
Changed: Addapted submition process for low connection and slow PCs
Version 1.14
Changed: I have performed refactoring of the code related
to submit process. the submition process should be much stable from now
Added: Sites numbering
Sites multiselection by mouse. Selec t as many sites as you wish to
check then click right mouse click and click choose selected services
Changed: Sites import process
Fixed: categories selection issue
Version 1.13
Don't like this number - skip
Version 1.12
Check your help page to see 1.12 update related videos.
Added: Back/forward button on designer screen
Added: Third type of commands - user defined beside register and submit commands
Added: Platforms Support
Added: Submit Item Preview button
Added: Stop On Error checkbox on settings screen
Addded: Service Copy with all commands function
Fixed: a few internal issues
Changed: quantity of fields in profile and submit item from 15 to 45
Added: 150 Expression Engine Forums
Added: 17 PR sites
Added: 50 Wordpress based article directories
Wordpress accounts activation function on Utilities Tab - use it when
you finished WP accounts registration and activation. It automatically
extract passwords from WP confirmation emails
Added: separate Login field on profile
Added: Troubleshooting button to solve services registration problems
To enable PR sites working please perform the following steps
Version 1.11
Fixed: article directories creating issue
Version 1.10
Changed: Installer - you don't need to uninstall previous version
Added: Link Manager functionality on Utilities Page
Added: Creating of new bookmark and rss submit item on link manager screen
Added: Pinger functionality on Utilities Page
All services updated to support link capturing
Changed: submitting works much faster
Fixed: Stop problem during submitting
Fixed: buttons not jump on browser window
Version 1.9 - this version after installing will dowbnload install database update. Please be patient while database will be updating.
Fixed: metafile not found issue
Fixed: Australia adresses
AutoRetry option MS will auto retry 3 times if there error state then
will move to next service. So now you can run it in autopilot mode
Changed: services automatic logout if they are log in
Added: delete and clear categories
Changed: dramatically improved logic of links activation
Added: support of low resolution screens with 600 pixel heigth - profile form and submit for is resizeble.
Version 1.8
Fixed: can't close MS issue
Version 1.7
Fiexd: error message during activating accounts if there are no messages in mailbox
Added: Proxy support and proxy rotate support
Added: You need to perform backup when new version of software is available and then you will see update page
Changed: Adreess auto generating - it generates corerct state,zip,citty,address values for choosen country
Added: warning that user must create profile before work with MS
Please go to Manage Profile Fields and ensure that in the colunm use
list just Country and Phone Number Fields are checked rest of field
should have no checkmark on that field
Version 1.6
Changed: Export/Import service now it takes into consideration service type
Changed: Export/Import now supports multi service export and import
Changed: installation package, now support installs separately
Fixed: Account creating and item submission improved
Fixed: Captcha window was not visible on some PC configurations
Changed: Captcha window appears on the left top corner
Fixed: a few unhandled exceptions
Version 1.5
Changed: Account creating and item submition improved
Changed: backup restore process
Changed: random login generator
Changed: improved update speed
Changed: improved password generator
Changed: list of phone numbers
Added: Update button, Delete database function,Clear Updates Function
Fixed: a few unhandled errors
Fixed: detection of mailware in library
Version 1.4
Fixed: critical issue
Version 1.3
Added: Backup/restore database options
Added: Complete button to mark account creation on item submission as successful and move to next site
Added: custom code command to solve complicated automations
Added: Categories Management - you can manually set categories list
Added: select/unselect option when you click first column(with checkboxes) header
Added:Page load timeout settings to make it working on slow internet connections
Change: Captcha window has focus now and can be closed by pressing Enter Key
Change: performance improvements
Change: support of categories added to most of video sites
Fixed: Interface Issues
Fixed: unhandled exception issue
Fixed: halt after each site execution
Fixed: registration and submitting issues for some sites
Version 1.2
Added: Test Mailbox connection fuction
Added: support of SSL and not SSL Mailboxes
Version 1.1
Fixed: Captcha Form Resizing
CHANGE: Successfully created accounts and submitted items are automaticly unchecked now
CHANGE: Country List i lefts just a few most important countries